recent survey conducted by the
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) found that two out of three people surveyed understand that the influenza vaccine is fundamental to preventing the flu. Still, only half of them will get vaccinated against the flu. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) can play a vital role in vaccine uptake.
Another recent NFID survey found that 51% of patients surveyed who have received or plan to get vaccinated are motivated by an HCP recommendation, and 47% of patients who are unsure or do not plan to get vaccinated say they would be more likely to get vaccinated if an HCP recommended it.
To find out more about the attitudes and practices around flu vaccination stemming from the survey, #TogetherAgainstFlu spoke with Dr William Schaffner, Medical Director of NFID, who explained how healthcare professionals are key to encouraging influenza vaccine uptake.
In this newsletter, we are happy to further share assets from our partners that celebrate the role HCPs play in building trust and positively influencing vaccine acceptance and uptake.