How can the influenza vaccine coverage rate increase in low- and middle-income countries?
12 JANUARY 2021
We often look at high-income countries when it comes to effective immunization programs and factors that contribute to increasing the flu vaccine coverage rate. But what about flu vaccination access and immunization programs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)?
We invite the #TogetherAgainstFlu network to leverage these materials on their own social media accounts.
We often look at high-income countries when it comes to effective immunization programs and #FluVaccine coverage rate. But what about flu vaccination access and immunization programs in low- and middle-income Countries (#LMICs)?
Despite the considerable burden of #influenza, few LMICs have national influenza vaccination programs.
Follow along as Dr. Joseph Bresee, Director of the respiratory virus prevention programs at The Task Force for Global Health, Inc., explains why, and what we can do about it.
It's from #TogetherAgainstFlu official partner Ready2Respond, a unique global collaboration of partners from the Public, Private and Non-Profit sectors committed to augmenting low- and middle-income countries’ readiness to respond against influenza and emerging respiratory viral pandemics. #Ready2Respond
Learn more now: https://youtu.be/gjAsd0x_iJY
#Influenza isn't just a health issue, it has also an economic impact. The burden it creates is typically far more than the economic costs of preventative measures.
Watch the new video from #TogetherAgainstFlu to see what can be done 👇
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Dr Joseph Bresee, @TFGH, explains 2⃣ powerful factors that can help increase the #influenza vaccination rate in low/medium income countries.
It's from important new work by #TogetherAgainstFlu partner #Ready2Respond.
☑️ Access
☑️ Education
The two key factors that can help increase the #influenza vaccination rate in low/medium income countries.
Dr Joseph Bresee, @TFGH, explains in a new #Ready2Respond video 👇 #TogetherAgainstFlu
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@InfluenzaHub @FIP_org
🤒 Vaccinating against #influenza isn't just good for public health, it's also an economic boon.
Learn more about the benefits and what can be done with Dr Joseph Bresee, @TFGH, and let's stand #TogetherAgainstFlu 👇
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How can we be better prepared for the next pandemic? #Influenza vaccination programs help, as they prepare countries and train workers on the key steps needed to respond more efficiently and effectively ⚕️
Interview with Dr Bresee 👇
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#TogetherAgainstFlu #Ready2Respond
"The capabilities that you grow, that you develop during influenza vaccination campaigns are exactly the same capabilities you need for pandemic responses."
Dr. Joseph Bresee, Director of the respiratory virus prevention programs at The Task Force for Global Health, Inc., explains which are these critical capabilities.
It's from #TogetherAgainstFlu official partner Ready2Respond, a global collaboration of partners committed to augmenting low- and middle-income countries’ readiness to respond against influenza and emerging respiratory viral pandemics.
Learn more here: https://togetheragainstflu.com/news/
Which activities can support expanding or initiating #influenza vaccination programs?
Dr Joseph Bresee, @TFGH, explains in this new #Ready2Respond initiative ⬇️
Let's stand #TogetherAgainstFlu
When it comes to influenza, why do we focus so much on vaccine access & programs in high-income countries, and not low/middle-income counties?
Dr. Joe Bresee explains 👇
@TFGH #TogetherAgainstFlu
New Community Calendar: You can now share your events and initiatives on the togetheragainstflu.com website! The new portal is a place for the network (and any organisation interested) to give more visibility to their events, campaigns, and initiatives about flu, vaccines, risk groups, and any topic that helps us fight influenza.
Just email team@togetheragainstflu.com with the details, and we will help spread your message for you. Check it out.
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